Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 8, 2018

Health Benefits of Blood Nest

The Blood Nest, who build their nests in caves high up on cliff sights. The nests are built during the breeding season by the Blood Nest over a period of 35 days. The size of the nests is small, around the size of your palm and this is the reason for the high cost.
Harvesting the nests is dangerous as it requires climbing up the cliff side to get into the caves. These days, in order to capitalize on the Blood Nest trade, many people are opening the upper floors of their shop lots and allowing the birds to nest.
During the ancient times, the genuine Blood Nest would only be consumed by rich and famous people due to its very rare and expensive price. However, over time Blood Nest have become widely consumed by people regardless of age or importance.

Blood Nest Color and Quality:

White Blood Nest. There are a few types of Blood Nest, the highest quality being White Blood Nest which comes from the first harvest. The first Blood Nest harvest is before the Swifts have a chance to lay their eggs and a second harvest is done after the young Blood Nests have left the nest. The second harvest is considered a lower grade of Blood Nest.
Red Blood Nest, the color is caused by the bird’s diet and not the bird’s blood as originally thought.
Golden and Black Blood Nest are thought to be the lowest quality due to the amount of feathers, plant and dirt particles embedded in the nests.
Blood Nest Nutrition: Blood Nest is mostly composed of water-soluble protein that is easily absorbed by human body. It also contains carbohydrates, fat, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine and it also rich in amino acids and antioxidants.
Health Benefits of Blood Nest
Health Benefits of Blood Nest

Health Benefits of Blood Nest:

• Blood Nest contains properties that helps regenerate skin and prevent premature aging. Regular consumption can make skin smooth and radiant.
• It is believed that an expectant mother consuming Blood Nests would have a baby with fine and smooth complexion. Blood Nest can also strengthen infant’s body and stimulate the growth of the brain.
• Blood Nest is traditionally believed to raise libido.
• Blood Nest can help strengthen the lungs and prevent respiratory problems.
• Blood Nest is recommended to complement other treatments to combat degenerative diseases such as cancer.
• Recent studies in Hong Kong suggested that it may even be useful in the treatment of AIDS.
• Blood Nest helps strengthen the body’s immune system and enhances metabolism of fat.
• Blood Nest is recommended as a tonic for pregnant women, new mothers and elderly and to those recovering from extensive operation or injuries because it contains elements which can stimulate cell re-growth.
• Blood Nest can alleviate tiredness and improve mental clarity when consume regularly.
Note: Not all Blood Nest in the market are real and not any grade of Blood Nest is strong enough to have any health benefits; it has to be the best grade and purchased through a reputable and trustworthy dealer. If you cannot afford to consume the finest grade, then there is no point in even taking the cheaper ones as they would have little or no medicinal value.


• Be careful if you decide that you would like to have Blood Nest soup. Many restaurants and shops sell soup with noodles shaped to resemble a Blood Nest.
• Special care must always be taken to avoid Blood Nest which show any signs of mold or mildew, as this can be dangerous.
• There are several unethical businessmen who use chemicals to bleach the Blood Nest and claim to be selling pure Blood Nest. Therefore, it is important for consumers to know how to identify chemically bleached Blood Nest and avoid such purchase, as long term consumption of chemically bleached Blood Nest can cause adverse health problems.

Frequently Asked Questions about Blood Nest (6)

Can you get cancer from eating a cancer patient?

This question is silly but the answer is not obvious. Scientists have discovered that if you eat some one who has cancer you may get cancer yourself.

Why is a cockatiel obsessed with eating a Blood Nest fern?

They love to pick things, I used to let mine sit in a tree outside and he'd spend an hour snipping off it's leaves. It's just things they do to keep occupied, give him more toys and things to pick and he probably wont have that urge so much.

How does the Blood Nest fern get onto a tree?

Birds live on trees because if birds are on the ground a predator will come and eat the bird.

What does a Blood Nest fern eat?

It can eat anything so long it is small enough. One time, i saw it eating plastic and birds no wonder i don't see any birds there!!
Frequently Asked Questions about Blood Nest (6)
Frequently Asked Questions about Blood Nest (6)

How does the Blood Nest fern obtain its food?

It has chloroplasts which contain chlorophyll that traps sunlight, to photosynthesis and make food when water and carbon dioxide are present.

What bird puts its eggs in another Blood Nest?

There are at least two. There are some groups of cuckoo, and the brown-headed cowbird that do this. This is called brood parasitism.

What does having a Blood Nest on your Christmas tree mean?

it means that you are ready for something feisty tonight and want to be excited. ready for the new year and possibly some babies to come soon.

Can a mourning dove nest in another Blood Nest?

Yes a robin made a nest in a tree and I saw the robin leave and the dove stole the nest

How big is the largest Blood Nest?

The world's largest Blood Nest is built by the Sociable Weaver bird, in southern Africa. It can be several meters across, and can house over a hundred birds. The main reason for this type of nest is stable temperature advantages inside the nest, which are cooler during the day, and warmer at night. Also notable is the bald eagle's, which builds the largest nest of any North American bird, up to 4 meters (13 ft) deep, 2.5 meters (8.2 ft) wide, and one metric ton (1.1 tons) in weight.

What is the difference between toadstool and Blood Nest fern?

toadstool is the fruiting body of a type of fungus , related to mushroom fungus. . Blood Nest fern is a fern, a green plant .

What is the difference between mushroom and Blood Nest fern?

Hey, I've just received a free Minecraft Giftcode! You can get one too! >>
What is the difference between Blood Nest fern and mushroom?
Blood Nest fern is an epiphytic vascular plant (fern) and mushroom is a saprophytic fugus.

Does staghorn fern and Blood Nest fern make their own food?

These are both nonvascular plants and are quite capable of preforming photosynthesis, thus they can easily make their own food as can all plants.

How did the Blood Nest fern get onto a tree?

It didn't really get onto a tree. When the wind blows, the spores underneath the leaves of the Blood Nest fern will be blown to other places. In this case the spore landed on the tree when the wind blew, then with the suitable conditions such as moisture, the the spore gradually grows into a Blood Nest fern, this is the reason it is located on a tree.

What is the dispersal method for Blood Nest fern?

The dispersal method for Blood Nest fern is either by wind,animals, or grow where they fall.

What are the release dates for The Nanny - 1993 The Blood Nest 4-3?

The Nanny - 1993 The Blood Nest 4-3 was released on: USA: 25 September 1996 Germany: 14 November 1998

Frequently Asked Questions about Blood Nest (5)

Is Blood Nest soup made of real Blood Nests?

Yes. It is made of real Blood Nests, and as a result the numbers of these birds who nest in caves at Borneo are diminishing.

What do you do when you find a Blood Nest with eggs?

Leave it alone the mom of the birds wont take care of them if you touch the eggs.If they've hatched still dont touch them. Correction to above answer: It is a myth that if you touch a bird or its egg that the mother will reject it. Birds have little or no sense of smell. But the best thing to do is just leave it alone.
Frequently Asked Questions about Blood Nest (5)
Frequently Asked Questions about Blood Nest (5)

If there is a Blood Nest and you take a baby bird out will the mother abandon it?

You should not do this - but the mother will continue to look after the remaining birds.

Can you put a bird's egg into a different nest?

You can. However, some of them may hatch then die :o. That isbecause birds prefer to have their own birds in their nest. If theyhad differentiated that the bird is not their kind, some of themmay 'kill' the bird before it learns to fly.

If a Blood Nest has human scent will the birds go back?

One time I heard that once you touch the egg the female won't warm the egg anymore, or if you touch the baby bird she will stop feeding the baby NC

What Blood Nests does the cuckoo lay her eggs in?

Usually in any nest the Cuckoo can find in a safe place for her young to hatch/grow in.
Why does my hair look worse then a Blood Nest when I wake up in the morning?
As you move in your sleep, it causes the hairs on your head to shift and tangle. The only way you could avoid it was by wearing soemthing in yoru hair at night.

What is the Italian translation of 'Blood Nest'?

Nido d'uccello or Nido di uccello are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "Blood Nest." Specifically, the masculine noun nido means "nest." The preposition di * means "of." The masculine noun uccello means "bird." The pronunciation is "NEE-doh dootch-TCHEHL-loh." *The vowel i may drop before a noun that begins with a vowel. The temporary nature of that drop is indicated by an apostrophe immediately after the remaining letter d and immediately before the first letter of the following noun.

Why is a Blood Nest in a Christmas tree good luck?

Check back with me this time next year and I'll let you know, I actually did find a birds next in my Christmas tree this year!

Frequently Asked Questions about Blood Nest (4)

Where is the Blood Nest on Big Nate island?

The bird is nesting or otherwise hanging around on the school bell tower. If you are going to use the clapper (in the secret room) to fix the school bell, you need to get rid of the bird. The way to do this is to recover the lost lobster trap for Cap'n Salty at Puffin Point. Grab the old photo blowing in the wind near the lighthouse, and swap it for diving gear at the Say Cheese shop. Dive for the lost lobster trap and Cap'n Salty gives you a lobster. Use its claw to turn the lighthouse light to the left and scare the seagull away.

Is the Blood Nest fern native to Australia?

Yes. The Blood Nest fern ( Aspleniumaustralasicum ) is native to Australia, and found in thetemperate and tropical rainforests of Australia.
Frequently Asked Questions about Blood Nest (4)
Frequently Asked Questions about Blood Nest (4)

What Blood Nest weighs in at around a ton?

The balds eagle's nest weighs about one ton(2000 pounds). They keep this nest throught their entire life.

What does the Blood Nest made out of?

All birds build their nests differently, so their really is no straight answer. You would need to specify the type of bird. Examples: Eagles will build their nest with big sticks, and chickadees line theirs with moss. Weaver birds weave little hanging domes completely out of grasses, robing use sticks grass and mud, and humming birds usually use things like moss, down, fur and dryer lint.

What is the RDA for carbohydrate for cancer patients?

Carbohydrates are the commonest source of energy in livingorganisms with glucose being the simplest and most easilyabsorbable source. Grains contain both complex and simplecarbohydrates. Foods containing maximum simple sugars are fruits,sweets and soft drinks. Complex carbohydrates are present mainly inwhole grains such as cereals, rice, potatoes, bran, beans, breadsand pastas. The most complex carbohydrate is starch present in riceand potatoes. .

Can the Blood Nest fern make its own food?

Yesh Twey Cwan. Awll Pwants cwan Mwake Fwood, bwut soomwe uwesepwaraswitism awsh awn awltwernwate fwood swource aws thwer cwanmwake enwuahf fwood cwus twey warre nwot gwetting enwouff fwoodfwom pwotoswimthiesse. :D Good luck reading that. I am actuallyproficient in English, not just a genius 5 year old.

Where is the best place to find Blood Nests or eggs in runescape?

From "A Blood Nest can be found when cutting trees, as a reward from Wyson the gardener, collected from the Managing Kingdom minigame, and sometimes as a reward in the Gnome Restaurant minigame." . Note that a Blood Nest is a members-only item. .
How do you turn the lighthouse light towards the Blood Nest on Big Nate Island?
Use a lobster to grip the light. To get a lobster, get the old photo blowing around by the lighthouse. Swap it for scuba gear at the Photo shop, and dive for Cap'n Salty's lost lobster trap at Puffin Point. (see related question)

Frequently Asked Questions about Blood Nest (3)

How do you find a Blood Nest?

Most Blood Nest are in trees, some are in burrows, and others are on the ground. To find one, you must be very quiet. Doing this will not startle mama bird, and if you startle her, no nest for you. Next thing you should do is take a partner. This way, you can split up and you have better chances of finding one. I hope this helped !

How big was the world's largest Blood Nest?

That depends on what you mean - sociable weavers live in colonies that build one structure, usually in a tree, within that structure are the nests of the individual pairs of birds. The whole structure can often weigh several tonnes.. Very old eagle nests can also be vast as they can be in use for many tens of years, often by succeeding pairs in a territory. Each spring they might add to it so it grows and grows.. How about mallee fowl? They bury their eggs in a nest that can weigh tonnes, but it is sand and debris in a heap.
Frequently Asked Questions about Blood Nest (3)
Frequently Asked Questions about Blood Nest (3)

What are differences between moss and Blood Nest fern?

Penile Prostheses . 0.01 sec. Sponsored linksErectile Dysfunction Treatment Options, Latest Advances. Trustworthy, Current Report. Prostheses Relax. Take a deep breath. We have the answers you seek. Penile Prostheses. Definition . Penile prostheses are semirigid or inflatable devices that are implanted into penises to alleviate impotence.. Purpose . The penis is composed of one channel for urine and semen and three compartments with tough, fibrous walls containing "erectile tissue." With appropriate stimulation, the blood vessels that lead out of these compartments constrict, trapping blood. Blood pressure fills and hardens the compartments producing an erection of sufficient firmness to perform sexual intercourse. Additional stimulation leads to ejaculation, where semen is pumped out of the urethra. When this system fails, impotence (failure to create and maintain an erection) occurs. Impotence can be caused by a number of conditions, including diabetes, spinal cord injury, prolonged drug abuse, and removal of a prostate gland. If the medical condition is irreversible, a penile prosthesis may be considered. Patients whose impotence is caused by psychological problems are not recommended for implant surgery.. Description . Penile implant surgery is conducted on patients who have exhausted all other areas of treatment. The semirigid device consists of two rods that are easier and less expensive to implant than the inflatable cylinders. Once implanted, the semirigid device needs no follow-up adjustments, however it produces a penis which constantly remains semi-erect. The inflatable The inflatable implant is a common penile prosthesis. This device connects through a tube to a flexible fluid reservoir and a pump. The pump is shaped like a testicle and inserted in the scrotum. When the pump is squeezed, the fluid is forced into the inflatable cylinders implanted inside the penis, producing an erection. (Illustration by Electronic Illustrators Group.) . cylinders produce a more natural effect. The patient is able to simulate an erection by using a pump located in the scrotum. With the patient asleep under general anesthesia, the device is inserted into the erectile tissue of the penis through an incision in the fibrous wall. In order to implant the pump for the inflatable implant, incisions are made in the abdomen and the perineum (area between the anus and the genitals). A fluid reservoir is inserted into the groin and the pump is placed in the scrotum. The cylinders, reservoir, and pump are connected by tubes and tested before the incisions are closed.. Preparation . Surgery always requires an adequately informed patient, both as to risks and benefits. In this case, the sexual partner should also be involved in the discussion. Prior to surgery, antibacterial cleansing occurs and the surrounding areas are shaved.. Aftercare . To minimize swelling, ice packs are applied to the penis for the first 24 hours following surgery. The incision sites are cleansed daily to prevent infection. Pain relievers may be taken.. Risks . With any implant, there is a slightly greater risk of infection. The implant may irritate the penis and cause continuous pain. The inflatable prosthesis may need follow-up surgery to repair leaks in the reservoir or to reconnect the tubing.. Resources . Books . Jordan, Gerald H., et al. "Surgery of the Penis and Urethra." In Campbell's Urology , edited by Patrick C. Walsh, et al. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1998.. Key terms . General anesthesia - Deep sleep induced by a combination of medicines that allows surgery to be performed. Genital - Sexual organ. Perineum - Area between the anus and genitals. Scrotum - The external pouch containing the male reproductive glands (testes) and part of the spermatic cord.Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.. How to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, add the site to iGoogle, or visit webmaster's page for free fun content.

Frequently Asked Questions about Blood Nest (2)

What is Blood Nest soup?

Blood Nest soup is a Chinese delicacy. It is made from the nest ofa Blood Nest, a bird in southeast Asia.

What is the Blood Nest?

Blood Nest is a kind of restorative tonic that the Chinese regards as the best tonic for all ages, as there are lots of nutrient factors to aid recovery from injuries and open wound. Well to do ladies like to drink Blood Nest as part of their beauty regime. (see link for more information)

What happens to a stage 4 non small cell lung cancer patient if he continues to drink alcohol while on chemotherapy or radiationtherapy?

If the patient continues to drink while doing radiation therapy his throat will hurt. Radiation already will burn the esophagus, and when you combine that with alcohol, it will hurt. If it hurts, the patient wont go in for treatments, too many inconsistencies with radiation treatment and it will be ineffective.
Frequently Asked Questions about Blood Nest (2)
Frequently Asked Questions about Blood Nest (2)

The Olympic Blood Nest?

The stadion in Beijing where the Olympics are held looks like a massive Blood Nest

Is there a free source of Ensure nutritional drink for cancer patients?

This site may help. It's not free but sold at a reduced rate. The cans supply 650 calories so you don't have to drink as many to get your total calorie intake for the day. My husband has been diagnoised with tonsil cancer and he will need this during his radiation treatments. One of his nurses gave us the site. God bless This site may help. It's not free but sold at a reduced rate. The cans supply 650 calories so you don't have to drink as many to get your total calorie intake for the day. My husband has been diagnoised with tonsil cancer and he will need this during his radiation treatments. One of his nurses gave us the site. God bless Actually this site is more expensive than SAMS Club. You can get a case of 24 cans of Ensure for approximately $25

It's cancer patient can eat the Blood Nest soup?

Can lung cancer patient eat Blood Nest soup? Is is fine for them and is it more acidic or alkaline by nature?

Blood Nest on my hanging basket?

Lucky you. You can now watch the miracle that is new life, as the birds lay eggs, incubate them, and feed the chicks. If you are so inclined, set up a web-cam, and let others share this rarely seen miracle.

How can you remove a Blood Nest in the air vent pipe without killing the birds?

You can gently remove it or you could use a stick and carefully take it out by pulling the nest with a stick

Frequently Asked Questions about Blood Nest (1)

Can cancer patients drink Blood Nest?


How do you move a Blood Nest?

If it is a wild's Blood Nest that is being used by a bird family, I would just leave it alone until theeggs hatch and the babies have left it. If it is a pet Blood Nest, do the same thing.
Frequently Asked Questions about Blood Nest (1)
Frequently Asked Questions about Blood Nest (1)

Why is Blood Nest soup red?

It is red because of blood mixed into the spit of the swift. As nests are harvested, the swift has to rebuild its nest and this takes a physiological toll on the bird (because the eggs, which are not yet laid great tax the bird's system). **** Some time ago people believed that a red nest was created by an overworked Blood Nest that had built its nest partly with blood. Nowadays, people believe that the red nest is created by a Blood Nest that has eaten seafood or a food substance which contains a high volume of iron. Research has proved both of these beliefs to be untrue. The red nest (red blood) is not created by the Blood Nest, but by the surrounding environment. Cave nests turn red in colour due to the mineral content and the wet surface of the cave which seeps into the nest. This polluting of the nest by cave water significantly reduces the nutrient levels of the nest. The red appearance of a house nest is achieved through the unethical dying of white nests. The harvest is deliberately delayed to let the gas from the Blood Nest's droppings react with the nest. The gas emitted by the Blood Nest is called Ammonia. Ammonia is a compound found in fertilizer and detergent. Long term consumption of Blood Nest which has been contaminated in this way will have adverse effects on personal health. The consumption of toxic chemicals has strong links to cancer and other major illnesses. This is the reason all Blood Nest experts advise expectant mothers and the elderly to avoid the consumption of red nests.

Is a Blood Nest a mixture?

Yes, it is, because you can separate the twigs and things inside the nest fromone another.

Which bird is famous for laying its eggs in another Blood Nest?

Cuckoos and cowbirds are famous for laying their eggs in otherbirds' nests, and leaving the chicks to be raised by the otherbirds.

What do you do if a bird's egg falls out of the nest?

It depends on how long it has been there. If you have just witnessed it falling out then you can pick it up and try as best as you can to raise it. If you have the money than I would advise buying an incubator. After the bird is raised you may set it back into the wild.

Can you move a Blood Nest and not kill the eggs?

No. The mother won't be able to find the nest and the eggs need the warmth of a parent to survive.

The Benefits of Consuming Edible Blood Nest Soup

Recent scientific research by University of Technology Malaysia shown that pure edible nest contains 17 type of soluble amino acids which cannot produced by our body, but needed very much by our body. edible nest contained rich anti-oxidants,and rich in minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper,etc...

What can Nest benefit our health?

First, from the proximate analysis reports shown that edible nest soup contains ash, fibre, carbohydrates, amino acids, minerals and moisture. Those elements are soluble. Besides, it is rich in antioxidants which use to combat free radicals in our body. Due to its alkalinity, and the epidermal growth factors, it promotes cells growth and research is going on to discover and identified markers for anti-cancer elements. Till today, Chinese still believed edible nest soup is good for treating tuberculosis, dry coughs, asthma and many general weakness due to bronchial aliments. Traditionally edible nest soup is used to nourish the kidney, lung, heart and stomach. The tonic power of edible Blood Nest soup is believed to improve skin complexion and slow down the aging process.
The Benefits of Consuming Edible Blood Nest Soup
The Benefits of Consuming Edible Blood Nest Soup

How to prepare edible nest Soup?

Edible nest soup is the only soluble protein in the world. To cook edible Blood Nest soup, we should not boil as high temperature will destroyed nutrients in the nest. To prepare, one should use double boil method. If possible add a small slice of ginger to the solution as it will enhance the antioxidant level. No sugar is recommended as originality of smell of albumin is preserved. If edible nest soup is contaminated with chemical, it will create pungent smell. Double boil the nest at least two hours.

How to choose a pureness Blood Nest?

First, never choose birdnest with adulterated colours; Red nest, yellow nest, or blackish nest. Recently laboratory analysis of nest by Shanghai Food Authority found that the above adulterated nest contain over dose of sodium nitrite. This chemical is a strong oxidising agents and will prevent blood from carrying oxygen to all over the body. It will caused cancer. Secondly, use nose to smell the albumin odour, as most Blood Nest will not have albumin odor after using bleaching agents such as hydrogen peroxide. Thirdly, to assure of bacteria contamination, the moisture content of the Blood Nest should be below 15% w/w. It cracked immediately if you apply a little force.

About Blood Nest

Blood Nest soup, or swallow's nest, (Chinese: 燕) is the name of a medicinal food - made famous by the Blood Nest. This is fine delicacy of Eastern ex: Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam and many other countries. In Vietnam, Blood Nest ranks Bat Pearl (eight dishes sorghum flour). Blood Nest soup is known as "fish eggs Caviar of the East". Blood Nests were Chinese dishes consumed 400 years ago. Blood Nest soup looks like a knife glue cooked with spices to add a little starch, sugar. Blood Nest soup is a dish made from the most expensive animal, in Hong Kong, the price of a soup bowl of oats $ 60.
Nests were found on cliffs, cave where live Blood Nest. Oats were harvested white nest is Aerodramus fuciphagus (nest) and the black Blood Nest Aerodramus maximus (black oats team) but only kind of nest Blood Nest is known under the name of Yen Island market. Due to the dangerous nature and limited number of islands can exploit this type of Blood Nests often have the highest rates compared to other types of Blood Nest in the market. To the pink and white blood (oats blood) is said to be more nutritious and more precious.

1. Nutrients and effect of Blood Nest

There is much debate about the nutritional composition as well as the effect of Blood Nest.
In some documents provided by the distribution of Blood Nest, the nest is said to have many nutritional rare, typically some kind of protein and amino acid amide, humin, arginine, cystine, histidine , and lysine. In addition, oats also contain minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. Effects of oats, some documents that oats aid in the lungs, strengthen the body, boost the immune system, accelerate cell regeneration, help with rapid recovery, even support disease against HIV AIDS.
In contrast, some other documents negate the effect of oats, even condemn the use of oats and that the price of oats was pushed up because of its scarcity as well as the assumption of consumers. With the actual nest is saliva of Blood Nest concise, many argue that in fact the nest without any significant nutritional value, by the animal's saliva mainly consists of water, salt, all kinds enzymes (enzymes), and may have some bacterial. On the issue of "American Journal of the Medical Sciences", in 1999 with an article about the nest containing arsenic poisoning cause users to be. With the absence of an organization or a reputable scientists conduct experiments, analyze and publicize the effects of oats, some famous doctors recommend that their patients do not use the nest while pregnant suspicion quality of no.Ngoai, the animal studies suggest that the consumption of oats is the major cause of decline in the number of birds.
However, many of the documents produced Blood Nests and the scientific study of the effect of Blood Nest that is nutrient-rich foods.
Blood Nest contains high protein content (50-60% depending on the mining site) consisting of 18 amino acids, 31 trace elements necessary for the child's development and training for the elderly, 7 sugars ( carbohydrates) essential. In nature there are about 200 types of roads, but only eight sugars are involved in the function of the human body, seven of which are found in Blood Nests.
Many studies on the effect of Blood Nest health have shown that Blood Nests can stimulate epithelial cell growth and help treat damaged cells and strengthen the immune system. Recently, a number of carbohydrate including sialic acid and glycoconjugate compounds (complex conjugate of string oligosaccarid with proteins and lipids) found in Blood Nests are compounds involved in ligand interactions, receptor biology important . The study also found that Blood Nests can disable the virus in cells and inhibits agglutination of red blood cells of influenza virus in red blood cells of humans, birds and pigs. This ability may be due to the residue of the chain sugar syalyl in Blood Nests and significantly improved when treated with pancreatic enzyme pancreatin F containing protease to hydrolyze the glycoprotein into the glycopeptide.
Currently Blood Nests are being studied for the treatment of HIV-AIDS because it stimulates the growth of white blood cells work antigens. Blood Nest soup is also recommended for cancer patients after radiation therapy, patients after surgery to help the body recover faster.
According agree, Salanganes'Nest sweet comment on two economic waste and should have the effect of cleaning the lungs, increasing resistance to viruses, flu and allergy symptoms. So in the case of A/H1N1 flu, if conditions can be for the elderly and children to use. Unlike conventional foods, Blood Nests to eat always.
The following will explain more clearly the composition and functions of Blood Nests (please note that the following content is provided for reference only by high levels of change more or less depending on the type of swallow's and exploitation nest locations nests).
_Protein (50-60%), high protein, but the amount of fat (lipid) is very low (~ 0%).
_Cac Amino acids:
+ Glycine (1.99%) is good for the skin.
+ Valine (4.12%) healed muscle cells and formation of new cells.
+ Leucine (4.56%) to adjust the amount of sugar in the blood.
+ Isoleucine (2.04%) recovery of health.
+ Threonine (2.69%) is good for the liver activity, strengthen the immune system and promote the body to absorb nutrients.
+ Methionine (0.46%) support the fight against arthritis, good for muscles.
+ Proline (5.27%) and aspartic acid (4.69%) growth and recovery of tissues, muscles, and skin cells.
+ Phenylalanine (4.50%) by the brain and improve memory.
+ Histidine (2.09%) helps the body to develop muscle and associated tissues.
+ Lysine (1.75%) increased ability to absorb calcium and keep bones strong, anti-aging spine.
+ Tyrosine (3.58%) Quick recovery work when the body is contaminated or damaged red blood cells.
+ Cysteine ​​(0.49%) improve memory, nerve impulse conduction, increase the absorption of vitamin D from sunlight.
+ Tryptophan (0.7%) to prevent cancer.
+ Other amino acids: alanine (1.4%), serine (1.87%), glutamic acid (3.6%).
_Carbohydrates (20-30%):
+ Fucose (0.7%) and galactose (16.9%) impact on brain development and cell communication.
+ N-acetylglucosamine (5.3%) to help restore joint cartilage which in the case of osteoarthritis.
+ N-acetylgalactosamine (7.3%) related to the function of synapses, the connections between nerve cells, and if the deficiency can cause serious impact on memory.
+ N-acetylneuraminic acid (sialic acid) (8.6%) recovered quickly when the body is contaminated or damaged red blood cells, enhance immunity,, repelling bacteria, viruses.
_Cac Minerals necessary for the body: Fe (27.9%), calcium
+ Cu (5.87%), Zn (1.88%), bromine, manganese: good for the nerves and memory.
+ Chromium: digestion.
+ Selenium: anti-aging, anti-radiation.

2. Blood Nest

The Blood Nest was built in the breeding season and the males built in 35 days. Bowl-shaped nest is built to stick to the cave. Blade includes many nests are woven from many strands swallow saliva and braided together.
About Blood Nest
About Blood Nest

3. Khai Blood Nest operators in Vietnam

In Vietnam, the local natural Blood Nest is an island of a southern central provinces of Quang Nam, Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa ... The swallow's nest is usually made in the islands on the cliffs and the exploitation of Blood Nests are often very dangerous due to the high bamboo scaffolding, rudimentary tools, rugged cliffs. Recently, some places have adopted nest in the house in the city to harvest the Blood Nests that especially in the city of Nha Trang, Da Nang. The house raising oat renovated for nearly identical to natural conditions where the nest is often nest. Nha Trang is also where visitors can enjoy Blood Nests often in fancy restaurants.

4. Classification of Blood Nests

a. Classification by origin
- Nest Hoang / In Action (Wild / Cave Nest)
Two oat species often live in caves the nest Fuciphaga species (called Folk nest) and oats Maxima (black swallow's nest). But only kind of nest Blood Nest is known as Wild / Cave Nest (Yen Hoang / In the) market. Maybe because of the danger of taking the nest cave nests are usually priced higher than other types of oats on the market. Oats, with those in natural conditions, often shaped like one bowl, hard body and thick legs. The same shape as the cup will help protect young or nest egg is not eaten by other animals and weather. Straightened oats need to be fastened to the wall because of the caves often have high humidity. Nests of this type are found in Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.
-Nest In House (House Nest)
Nest of species nest Esculanta is nest commonly found in oat breeding. Many people still think that the nest is the nest to feed, but in fact we can only rely on the construction and design techniques to attract nesting Blood Nest in the house can not feed them like chicken industrial. Nest farming requires huge investment, long time instance oats and especially not for the artificial nest with food by nature wild Blood Nest and can only catch insects in flight. Depending on the color of the nest, to the yen in the hospital la nga page, the yen quality depend on food area new heart for bird? to yen quality, to yen to and as thick as to yen o (gocongdong) _ (bird food yen flying insects such as mosquitoes, ray) nests can be harvested 1-4 times a year . birds breeding yen around men.
b. Sort by color
The reason why different colored nests is still a subject of debate. According to Vietnamese folk believed that the old Blood Nest or Blood Nest during food shortage to take your blood mix with the saliva to build nests. This explains the colors red and pink, as well as the poorly blooming Blood Nest than Bach nest. However, many theories about the conditions of temperature, moisture or food Yen created Nest blood still being studied. Also when Bach nest is made on the cliffs are red and absorbs water from dripping out of the red rocks also create the nest. However Yen blood type because this cliff hatch when soaked in water equivalent with Bach oats (ie 7 - 9 times)
-Blood Yen (Blood Nest)
It is bright red and nests is the highest price of the color as rare and high demand. Not all manufacturing facilities also have this kind of oats. And no matter if there is the swift blood type also can be harvested 1-2 times a year with a very small percentage only. Yen number of blood Yen and Hong make up less than 10% of the total nests on the world market. It is said that the red color of the Blood Nest is due in the nest, Blood Nest is not enough saliva so it uses its own blood to mix with the saliva to build nests.
-Hong Yen (Pink Nest)
Price as Blood Nest and rare, Hong nest is orange, but color can vary from yellow tangerine peel to egg yolk. Dark as the higher price.
-Bach Yen (White Nest)
Bach Yen is the most common type of oats on the market. Can be harvested 3-4 times a year. Number of Bach Yen (including three species nest above) sold on the world market account for about 90% of the total number of nests in the market ..
c. Classified according to the folk concept
Yen fishing in Vietnam were hundreds of years old and contribute significantly to the revenue of the local natural gift of this material. Yen Yen workers and trade professional class usually distinguished as:
Blood (red, due to the location of nest, the nest gradually turn red)
Pink (pink, by Blood Nest location, nest gradually turn pink)
(To view, about 10g or more)
God (In the above, the white, 8 - 10g)
Last (smaller Yen 6 - 7)
Location (at the bottom of the cliff, black, dirty)
Chips (Blood Nest broken by mining or transport)

Blood Nest Health Benefits

Today, Blood Nest still serves as a highly sought food for its numerous health benefits, and can be widely consumed by elderly, women, men, children, babies, and even pregnant women. Grab a natural and high-quality Blood Nest in our store.

Maintaining General Health

Consuming Blood Nest, known as “Caviar of the East” helps to maintain general health and wellbeing. Blood Nest enhances the immune system, promotes eye health, accelerates wound healing, aids digestion, strengthens the lungs and kidneys, improves the quality of the spleen, enhances the metabolism of fat, alleviates asthma and chronic coughs, and clears phlegm. Furthermore, Blood Nest has anti-aging and anti-cancer properties. Recent scientific research on Blood Nest found it contained rich antioxidants to aid in the prevention of cancer. Independent laboratory investigation has also discovered that Blood Nest contains a water-soluble glyco-protein that promotes cell division within the immune system. These findings lend support to the belief that Blood Nest promotes growth and tissue repair. Blood Nest can also improve heart functions and balance your blood pressure. It regulates blood supply all around the body.
Blood Nest Health Benefits
Blood Nest Health Benefits


Consuming  on a regular basis will unlock your natural beauty from within. Blood Nest contains Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) for natural collagen production. Collagen has a special skin healing properties; Collagen gives the skin a healthy, natural glow and responsible for its strength and durability. Collagen is essential for maintaining the youthfulness of skin and attenuating wrinkles.
As a result, consuming  will give you a smoother, fairer, fresher, and younger-looking skin. Blood Nest is considered one of the “Four Great Youth Tonics” and the wealthy elite during dynastic times would eat Blood Nest soup daily to keep their skin healthy and young. Note that the long-term consumption of  will yield the most effective results.

For Smokers and Drinkers

Blood Nest has the ability to cleanse the lungs from any impurities and toxins, and helps to eliminate nicotine to prevent cancer invasion. For drinkers, Blood Nest helps to cleanse blood.

For Elderly

Blood Nest can be used to increase vitality and maintain health for elderly. Blood Nest contains high valued glycoprotein and is rich in minerals like amino acids, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and potassium. The Protein and the Amino Acids in Blood Nest aid in cell renewal in human body as well as enhancing body's metabolism. This is important because as one age, our metabolism slows down.
In addition, Blood Nest helps to maintain healthy joints and bones, strengthen tendons and cartilage bones of the joints, especially knees, preventing osteoporosis. Blood Nest gelatinous component contains rich collagen that alleviates the pains of arthritis. Consuming  regularly also increases body resistance to disease, nourish lungs, strengthen the physique, aid digestion, and improve eyesight.

For Pregnant Women

Blood Nest is safe and beneficial to consume during pregnancy. Consumption of  can provide pregnant mothers and their soon-to-be babies with several rich nutrients. As author Ng Siong Mui explains in her book The Chinese Pregnancy and Confinement Cookbook, “Blood Nests are eaten for they possess nutrients which benefit the major organs of the body”.
Regular consumption of  during pregnancy will strengthen the body, reduce physical discomfort, and improve the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus. It helps in growth and development of fetus. Furthermore, women consuming Blood Nest after giving birth will slim rapidly and recover far quicker compared with women who do not due to the Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) contains in it.

For Children

Every parents want the best for their children. Consuming  regularly will enhance their immune system, building up their resistance against flu, common cold, and more serious illnesses due its high nutrient content. For children dealing with busy school schedules, Blood Nest also reduces fatigue, improves concentration (focus) and strengthens memory, which is very important for children who are preparing for examinations.

Health Benefits of Blood Nest

Blood Nest has been used for a long time in traditional Chinese medicine for many centuries. It is classified as a cold food or “ying” according to the Chinese food concept.
Blood Nest is mostly composed of water-soluble protein that is easily absorbed by human body. The total protein content is about 65 percent. The other constituents are moisture (~ 10%), traces of fat (~23.3%), and carbohydrate (~0.8%). Other minerals present are calcium and iron. The total content of Amino acid in Blood Nest is approximately 6 percent. Amino acids isolated from Blood Nest consist of amide, humin, arginine, cystine, histidine, and lysine. It is possible that when taken with other certain foods through a cooking process,such as ginseng (as a hot food or “yang”), may have high nutritive and therapeutic value to human body.
Health Benefits of Blood Nest
Health Benefits of Blood Nest

Consumption of Blood Nest is also recommended to complement other treatments to combat degenerative diseases such as cancer and also for recovering health after illness, or surgery.

Blood Nest is regarded as having a wide range of tonic and medical values. Traditionally, it is believed that Blood Nest can strengthen the lungs and use in the curing and strengthening of body in diseases related to weak blood, body overheat, and other bronchion ailments. Consumption of Blood Nest is also recommended to complement other treatments to combat degenerative diseases such as cancer and also for recovering health after illness, or surgery.

It is also claimed that Blood Nest contains elements which can stimulate cell growth and especially beneficial to elderly recovering from various body ailments.

Blood Nest is especially valued by ladies for its reported properties of making the skin delicate and growing radiantly. It is also mentioned that an expectant mother consuming Blood Nests would have a baby with fine and smooth complexion.
Chinese has been consuming Blood Nest for hundreds of years and most of them believe that Blood Nest consists of several proteins and minerals that help develop the generation and growth of human cells, rejuvenates the human skin and increases the immune system.

High demand.

Research has also found that Blood Nest contains the epidermal growth factor. This helps explain why Chinese herbalists often prescribe Blood Nest to people who fail to thrive or grow for no apparent reason. Independent laboratory investigation has also revealed that Blood Nest contains a water-soluble glyco-protein that promotes cell division within the immune system. These findings lend support to the belief that Blood Nest promotes growth and tissue repair. Not only that, Blood Nest strengthens the body's self-regulating actions and provides resistance to disease. Because of its function, a symbol of wealth as well as the scarcity of the goods, it makes Blood Nest a valuable commodity indeed. Consumers of Blood Nest soup swear by their efficacy in its many curing properties, namely healing illnesses connected to the respiratory system like cough, asthma or throat infection and thus its high demand

About Blood Nest

Edible Blood Nests are glycoprotein with properties of protein as well as of carbohydrate. The total protein content is about 65%, carbohydrate of about 20% and 0.35% of fat. Other minerals present are calcium, magnesium, and iron. Amino acids isolated from Blood Nests consist of amide, humin, arginine, cystine, histidine and lysine. The total content of mono amino acids is about 6%.

What is Blood Nest Soup.

Blood Nest soup or is a traditional Chinese delicacy made from the nest of the Blood Nest, a tropical bird which is found in many parts of Asia, including China and Thailand. The unique ingredient in this soup is believed to increases longevity, and as a result, this dish is in high demand in some parts of China. The Blood Nests used in the soup can be quite expensive, and the dish is typically served only at exclusive restaurants.
About Blood Nest
About Blood Nest

Blood Nests are birds in the family Apodidae. Several species within this family are able to use echolocation, which allows them to nest and breed in caves. These species produce a unique gummy saliva, which they use to build their nests; they lay down strands of saliva which harden when exposed to air, creating a solid nest. Harvesters enter the caves, retrieve the nests, clean them, and then offer them for sale.

To make Blood Nest soup, the nest is simmered in chicken stock.

The result is a broth with floating chunks of the nest; the chunks have a distinctive gelatinous texture when cooked which is not to the taste of all consumers. The soup is usually lightly seasoned, if at all, and some people actually find it rather bland. It is the exotic ingredient which makes the soup popular, rather than an amazing flavor.
There are some serious ecological issues associated with Blood Nest soup. Many companies which harvest nests engage in unscrupulous practices like harvesting nests too quickly for the birds to breed, and some have been accused of establishing private armies to protect particularly fruitful caves. Some companies also destroy nests from the wrong species of bird to encourage the growth of a colony which will produce usable nests, thereby putting other Blood Nest species at risk. Overall populations of these birds have declined in Asia, possibly as a result of the growing market pressure for Blood Nest soup.
Nests for making Blood Nest soup can be obtained in Asian markets, where they are usually secured behind a counter due to their high cost. It is also possible to make the soup with vegetarian meat substitutes, some of which can very closely approximate the texture of Blood Nest, although they lack the perceived aphrodisiac benefits.

Blood Nest consumption is suitable for all ages

The content of Blood Nest: It is said that the Chinese have been eating Blood Nest soup for some 400 years, in fact some reports even dated back 1,000 years ago to Tang Dynasty in China.
Edible Blood Nests are glycoprotein with properties of protein as well as of carbohydrate. The total protein content is about 65%, carbohydrate of about 20% and 0.35% of fat. Other minerals present are calcium, magnesium, and iron. Amino acids isolated from Blood Nests consist of amide, humin, arginine, cystine, histidine and lysine. The total content of mono amino acids is about 6%.
Blood Nest consumption is suitable for all ages
Blood Nest consumption is suitable for all ages

Health benefits of edible Blood Nest consumption: Blood Nest consumption is suitable for all ages.

Blood Nest is very low in calory and fat, only about 0.35%. But Blood Nest contain epidermic growth factor (EGF), which can stimulate the regeneration of cells, the cell division enzyme & hormone and promote reproduction and rebirth of cells. It’s this reason that consumption of Blood Nest is particularly good for pregnant lady before & after birth, young children, and those who undergo medical surgery.

A regular diet of Blood Nest can help alleviate the trachea, smooth breathing, benefit the control of asthma, expel phlegm, recover vital energy and extend longevity.

It enhance the resistance of an individual to X-irradiated damage and rejuvenate the complexion, smoothes the skin and maintain youthfulness. A regular diet of Blood Nest can help alleviate the trachea, smooth breathing, benefit the control of asthma, expel phlegm, recover vital energy and extend longevity. It is particularly effective to those who have sleep disorders, bronchitis, coughs or hangovers. Blood Nests also show obvious therapeutic effects to help moisturize and replenish the lung and clear away intestinal heat.

Natural edible Blood Nest can enhance immune system, prevent cancer and other health benefits as follow:

1. Blood Nest help regulate the function of the endocrine system as well as other body functions. It strengthen the body, moisturize the skin, maintain beauty, provide energy and enhance the metabolism of fat. The Blood Nests are adaptable for either sex or any age group;
2. latest medical research indicates Blood Nest contains antioxidant and can slow down ageing process – radiant skin complexion & prevent the effects of aging;
3. Strengthens the kidney and lung. Invigorate the body;
4. People, who are highly stressed and are busy in study and work can alleviate tiredness, relieve spiritual pressure and recover body strength;
5. Excellence health tonic for pregnant ladies in the last 3 months of pregnancy before birth. Not only is good for mother, it’s also good for baby too, who will be healthier and have better skin complexion. Taking Blood Nest will help after birth recovery;
6. Strengthen the heart and lower blood pressure;
7. Lower blood cholesterol level, help to reduce stroke, blockage;
8. Blood Nests are also beneficial to people who have just recovered from illness, who are old and weak, who suffer from asthma and who are always catching the cold or influenza. Relieves cough and phlegm. Strengthens internal organs and improves appetite.

Great benefits of Blood Nest with cancer patients

Swallow's nests are effective in treating cancer, increasing the resistance of the patient and improving the quality of life for cancer patients.

1. Cancer in Vietnam

These are real numbers about CANCER IN VIETNAM!
– In Vietnam, the number of new cancers has increased rapidly from 68,000 cases (2000) to 126,000 cases (2010) and is expected to exceed 190,000 cases (2020).
– Each year Vietnam has about 115,000 deaths from cancer, equivalent to 315 people per day.
– WHO ranked Vietnam 78th out of 172 countries topping the world against cancer.
– Most men in Vietnam suffer from untreated cancers such as lung, liver, colorectal and most of them do not have regular medical treatment. About 70% of cases are diagnosed late. Section 3, 4) …
– In females most commonly breast cancer, the rate is still increasing every year. Only cervical cancer is the only type that tends to decrease.
Great benefits of Blood Nest with cancer patients
Great benefits of Blood Nest with cancer patients

2. What are the benefits of Blood Nest for cancer?

According to research of nutritionists, in the composition of swallow Blood Nest are more than 18 kinds of amino acids, high in protein, the content of vitamins and minerals such as serine, tyrosine, aspartic, phenylalanine … also very high.
_ Patients with cancer when using Blood Nest regularly will help restore cell damage, stimulate the growth of red blood cells, supplement the nutrients and minerals necessary for the body, help the spirit of comfort, Limit the impact of chemicals to the cells heal during treatment. Enhance health and vitality, increase resistance to disease
_ The effect of Blood Nest on cancer is to help stimulate the taste, increase the ability to absorb nutrients. Cancer patients in the process of radiation therapy can not eat normally due to body pain, fatigue so use Blood Nest in this stage is most appropriate, Blood Nest help patients get maximum absorption Essential substances for the body, increase the ability to regenerate cells, increase the resistance of the body. With proper diet and rest, the patient will gradually stabilize.
How to maximize the benefits of Blood Nest for cancer patients?
Swallow’s nests are high in nutrients, provide many nutrients for the body, necessary for patients undergoing cancer treatment, patients after surgery. Helping patients to recover health, but due to high nutrient content if not used properly can lead to excess substance, digestive disorders
Using Salanganes’s ginger as sugar ginger flavor is most suitable for cancer patients. Blood Nests provide nutrients in combination with fresh ginger that has anti-inflammatory properties, helps to isolate, remove and block the movement of cancer cells in the body.
The formula used
Time of use: early morning before breakfast.
The first 7 days of starting chemotherapy: 1 cup of 100ml daily
The next day, every day ½ cup
The amount of Blood Nest used in a month about 100gr new promotion of the value of the nest with health
Here you have to understand some of the effects of Blood Nest for cancer right? Swallow’s nests have no effect on cancer treatment but it brings health and resistance to help patients have good health foundation to fight against this dangerous disease.

What is Blood Nest?

Primarily known as Swallow Nest, Blood Nest has been consumed by the Chinese people since more than 1500 years ago, firstly discovered during the Tang Dinasty (A.D. 618-907) in China. In the earliest records, it was said that the swallow nests were actually traded for porcelain during that time, and Admiral Cheng Ho returned from South East Asia, bringing back the swallow nest to the Chinese Emperor.

What is Blood Nest?

Blood Nest (in Chinese: 燕窩) has been know & used by Chinese communities for centuries as a health food. It is actually the salivary glue of Blood Nests (Collocaliini) taken from their nests. Blood Nests are distributed mainly in the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia and North Australia. With it high market value, Blood Nest has been promoted by marketers as highly nutrition food, which is good for skin, anti-aging, lowering risk of disease, and longer life span. Traditionally, it is double boiled with rock sugar. Many celebrities and riches claimed to eat Blood Nest everyday.
What is Blood Nest?
What is Blood Nest?

What is the Nutrition Value of Blood Nest?

According to scientific research, Blood Nest contains mainly carbohydrates, amino acids and mineral salts, glycoproteins, sialic acid, galactosamine, glucosamine, galactose, fucose, etc. Sialic acid has advantages in infants. While some amino acid found can facilitate body's repairing and immunity.

Is Blood Nest Good or Bad for Cancer Patients?

Scientific evidence was given by Ng et al. (1986) in Hong Kong, suggested that Blood Nest might possess immunoenhancing effect by aiding cell division of immune cells. In 1987, other scientific evidence was published by Kong et al, demonstrated an epidermal growth factor (EGF) that stimulated the DNA synthesis in 3T3 fibroblast in a dose dependent manner in vitro. EGF is a 6,000 Da polypeptide hormone produced by glands of the gastrointestinal tract, namely the salivary and Brunner's glands. It appears to play a crucial role in major normal cellular processes such as proliferation, differentiation and development. It may offer a rationale for the medicinal use of edible Blood Nest in ageing resistance. Since the receptor for EGF is highly expressed in a number of solid tumors, including breast, head-and-neck, non-small-cell lung, renal, ovarian and colon cancer, people are worried about a possibility to induce tumor progression and to resist chemotherapy/radiation treatment in tumor cells; in consequence, suggest that cancer patients should avoid Blood Nest. However, there is no evidence supporting this suggestion. Scientific evidence for its efficacy is still limited.

Blood Nest soup with cancer patients

The effect of Blood Nest on cancer is to help stimulate taste, increase the ability to absorb nutrients. Cancer patients who are in the process of radiation therapy can not eat normally due to body aches, fatigue.

1. Causes of cancer

There are many causes for people to have cancer. But the main cause is the environment.
Water pollution: Ozone pollution directly affects the water source. Water plays an important role in our daily lives. We have to use water regularly, eat, wash, wash … once the water is polluted, the impact on life as well as human health. According to the research literature, more than 70% of water sources are polluted and Vietnam is one of them.
Air pollution: Not only water is the cause of cancer but also air is equally affected. When the air is polluted, people inhale toxic gases, which affect the lungs’ activity. Lung plays an important role in human health when it is weak, affecting many other organs.
Eat dirty food: Perhaps you also know that the situation of spraying insecticides, stimulants on fruits and vegetables occurs much in Vietnam. These chemicals are also important causes that make us more susceptible to cancer. It is also the pathogens are high cancer risk.
Blood Nest soup with cancer patients
Blood Nest soup with cancer patients

2. Edible Blood Nest with cancer

It is not just our advice that even health experts recommend that people with cancer use the edible Blood Nest. Because this is a product from the nature of ultra-clean, without any harmful chemicals are rich in nutrients and help your body to strengthen the immune system and immune system. With normal resistance drugs can not be equal.
On the other hand, the use of drugs resistant to the risk of side effects is very high. Therefore, selection of Blood Nest against cancer agents is the most reasonable. In addition, people with cancer often lack many important nutrients that Blood Nest can meet. With more than 50% protein content in Blood Nest help supplement important nutrition for the body without any food meet.
On the other hand, with trace elements such as iron, zinc, manganese, or calcium, the synthesis as well as nutrients are faster. In addition, some active ingredients in Blood Nest have the effect against the side effects as well as the substance. In particular, people with cancer often have to be treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, helping patients to reduce pain during treatment.
Thus, using Blood Nests will help improve health, nourish the body. In addition, swallow’s nests also work against cancer cells. Helps patients recover quickly and stay healthy.

Best Natural Food: Blood Nest

Blood Nests is one among the major food supplements of a Chinese diet. It is a precious food product, which is eaten with great love.

Blood Nest Benefits

Among the tremendous benefits of Blood Nests, let us look at a few of them:
– Lungs get nourishment from Blood Nests and hence, are relieved of many ailments that are caused due to contaminated foods and alcohol.
– The nest also dissolves phlegm and prevents cough, providing a clearing and nourishing effect.
– It is a proven effective medicine for treating and regulating weaknesses. Patients who are recovering from serious ailments can receive tremendous benefits from Blood Nest because it boosts immunity.
– Blood Nests contain rich collagen water-soluble protein that stimulates cell growth in the immune system and hence increases metabolism.
– It inhibits gastric acids and promotes circulation of blood in the body.
– It strengthens the heart and enhances appetite, which is again beneficial for recuperating patients.
If the Blood Nest is consumed by pregnant women, it helps to stabilize pre-natal and post-natal stages and nurtures the fetus.
Best Natural Food: Blood Nest
Best Natural Food: Blood Nest

– Along with proven health benefits, Blood Nest nutrition is also proven to maintain skin tone because of its constituents such as mucosaccharides.
– Blood Nest contains anti-oxidants, which have detoxifying effects on the body.
– The epidermal growth factor of Blood Nests stimulates reproduction and regeneration of cells.
– It is even helpful in curing lung cancer.
– The Blood Nest has a sweet and mild taste, which has neither too hot nor too cold effects on the body.
– The Blood Nests are proven to nourish the lungs, kidneys, and stomach.
– They are also helpful in aiding better circulation of oxygen in the body.
– Even if you consume the nests in large quantities, you will not see any side effects on your body.

Blood Nest Types

Places of develop Blood Nests: There are two types of places to develop the nests of Blood Nests:
  • In the caves
  • In the cultivated or abandoned houses

1. Cave nests

Cave nests are usually harvested in the natural caves of Malaysian states namely, Sabah and Sarawak. These caves vary in height and size, but they are typically found on lofty cliffs elevated against the sea. These kinds of nests usually contain more feather and dirt than the other variant.

2. House Nests

These nests are made by Blood Nests under the house roof in the countryside. House nests are harvested from swallow houses. The texture of this kind of nests is smoother than the cave nests, and it contains lesser contaminants and feathers. Therefore, it is possible to retain the crescent kind of bowl or the cupped hand shape of the nest even after the feathers are removed.
In these places, the following types of golden swallow nests spring up- white Blood Nest, yellow Blood Nest, and blood Blood Nests. After the nests are taken off the houses, they need to be cleaned and processed before delivery. Malaysia single-handedly sends millions of Blood Nests to Chinese communities all over the world. The main consumer countries of Blood Nests include China, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand.

Quality of Blood Nest

In terms of quality of Blood Nest, they are classified into different categories such as:
  • Cave Blood Nest
  • House Blood Nest
  • Feather Blood Nest
  • Grass Blood Nest
Although the benefits of Blood Nests are innumerable to overwhelm anyone, but there are only two variants of Blood Nests-:
  • Unprocessed Blood Nests or Raw Blood Nests
  • Processed Blood Nests or Clean Blood Nests
The nests come in different shapes such as strips, whole pieces, cakes, pieces, balls and broken pieces.

Blood Nest Soup Knowledge

Blood Nest is the saliva produced by a special species of swallow called the Blood Nest while building the nest. the saliva glues with other impurities (such as feathers) to form the nest.

There are 3 harvesting periods of Blood Nest in a year:

First phase (first harvesting period : from November to January every year-springtime of Indonesia)
In this season of abundance and thriving, the Blood Nest grows up strong and healthy and is able to secrete plentiful saliva. Under such favourable enviroment, Blood Nest harvested during this period is purer and gets bigger expansion after soaking. The body of Blood Nest is obviously larger in size and thicker in texture. Blood Nest in this phase is the most nutritious and contains much more proteins and minerals.
IBNI has its own Blood Nest farmhouses and processing plants in Indonesia. Some time before every Chinese Lunar New Year, IBNI ships fresh ‘first phase’ Blood Nests to Hong Kong through air cargo. This guarantees sufficient supply of ‘first phase’ Blood Nests in the market all the year round.
Second phase & third phase
It is not as good comparing with the first phase Blood Nest in terms of quality and quantity. During these seasons, the Blood Nest is weak due to unfavourable weather and lean food supply. Saliva secretion is slow and lots of feathers fall off, thus increase impurities. The Blood Nest is usually smaller in size and has lesser expandability.
Blood Nest Soup Knowledge
Blood Nest Soup Knowledge


Over one hundred years of consumption by people, Blood Nest had been confirmed by many scholars & experts and sees it as a kind of tonic with healing effects.
In recent years, the Chineses University of Hong Kong had conducted a thorough and in-depth study on Blood Nest.
It was discovered that the water soluble protein of Blood Nest contains both Mitogenic Stimulation Factor and Epidermic Browth Factor which can:
- enhance the rebirth of cells, reinforce the immune system
- restore energy and stamina
- fortify human body's tolerance towards the damage done by X-rays of other radioactive treatments
- boost heart functions
- supply heat energy to human's body
Blood Nest has become more and more popular over these years. Lot of peolpe see it as health enhancing food. it also promote growth of children, accelerate recovery from illness and after giving birth.
From a nutririon point of view, Blood Nest contains:
- 60% proteins (water soluble proteins) and several amino acids
- 10% water content
- 30% of cellulose, carbohydrates, a little fat and various minaral such as calcium, sulphide, pottassium, phosphor and iodine.
Blood Nest can be taken by people of any age of gender:
- New Born Baby: Stew Blood Nest until it is dessolved in water and then mix it with milk or rice porridge. This can help digestion, regulate digestive ststem and enhance appetite.
- Pregnant woman (during pregnancy): Help promote the brain growth of the fetus.
- Pregnant woman (giving birth) :speed up revovery of body shape and bring back beauty
- Children: Improve immune ststem, facilitate healthy growth of body and brain
- Adolescents: Accelerate metabolism, strengthen the body functions. Giving fine and fair skin.
- Tension, workload fatique: Relieve tiredness and alleviate pressure.
- Weakness after illness, asthma patient: Regain energy and strength, improve immune ststem and smooth breathing
- People suffering sleep disorder and having hot body characteristic: Dissipate intestinal heat, moisten lung

Identified by its origin, Blood Nest can be catrgorized as "cave nest" and "house nest"

House Nest (including common white Blood Nest and house grass Blood Nest)
House nest is the Blood Nest built inside a special house called 'farmhouse'. The swiflet builds its nest on the beams and walls inside the house. The Blood Nest, therefore, may bear slight wood-chips smell. Farmhouses are mainly found in the coastal area of Indonesia, particularly around Badong, Balai and Java. Workers conduct inspection on the Blood Nests in the farmhouse regularly and cut the nest down for further processing (removal of feathers and impurities) in the plant.
The characteristics of House nest are: good quality, few detached feathers and having smooth mouth-feel. Its expandability is high after soaking 5 to 7 times in average. White Blood Nest has softer mouth-feel but cannot be stewed too long. It is preferrable to stew the nest for 30 to 45 minutes before serving. Furthermore, house nest can be classified as yellow Blood Nest (golden Blood Nest) and red Blood Nest(bloody red Blood Nest).
If the stewing time is too long (over 1 to 2 hour), the Blood Nest will dissolve in water and disappear.
Cave Nest (including cave Blood Nest, cave grass Blood Nest and feather Blood Nest)
Cave Blood Nest os harvested in caves and therefore is absorbs plentiful mineral from the rock. Workers use a special kind of tool to pick the Blood Nests.
Cave Blood Nest is mainly in beige of yellow colour. Comparing to house nest, it contains more hair feathers, has firmer tissue and bigger expandability. It can be stewed for a longer time and the stewed Blood Nest gives our fragrant smell with good mouth-feel.

An Introduction To Blood Nest

Blood Nest is one of the four major traditional food supplements in China and has been regarded as the top precious product among delicacies. The four major traditional food supplements include Blood Nest, ginseng, shark’s fins and abalone while the eight precious products include Blood Nest, fox lip, camel hump, monkey head, bear palm, deer tendons, dried meat & ect.

Our Blood Nest Supply Direct fr Factory, Say No to Costly Brand!

Our Blood Nest Supply is one of the brands of Blood Nest supply. We care for the health of our customers while our management personnel are professionals with experience in Blood Nest. We have our own Blood Nest processing factories which carry out manual removal of feathers and foreign matters. Apart from supplying Blood Nest, we also provide consultation service to those interested in rearing Blood Nests and Blood Nest farming.
Our Blood Nest Supply has always maintained “trustworthy, quality and beneficial” services to customers. Our prices are reasonable and everyone may get to enjoy superior quality Blood Nest while building a good customer relationships.
An Introduction To Blood Nest
An Introduction To Blood Nest

Birdnest For Beauty, Boost the Body System

1. Birdnest is best consumed on an empty stomach as that will allow the body to better absorb its nutrients.
2. Birdnest is traditionally used as a beauty food.
3. Men may use Birdnest to promote overall immunity.
4. Birdnest is believed to speed up recovery from chronic illnesses.
5. Seniors may use Birdnest to maintain and enhance their health by stimulating the appetite and bowel movement as well as improving digestion.
6. Birdnest is a good supplement for growing children.

Birdnest Types

Whole piece Blood Nest - These are boat-shaped Blood Nest which has been selected from the Blood Nest harvested, with feathers removed. As whole piece Blood Nests are natural, the size and shape and size vary. They possess higher nutritional value, with better flavor and better expandability when soaked.
Narrow Blood Nest pieces - These are whole piece Blood Nests broken during harvesting or whole piece Blood Nests which have been cut into narrow strips or separated after careful selection. Although not attractive physically, the quality and preparation method is the same.
Blood Nest corners - These are the places with the highest concentration of saliva from Blood Nests.They are the hardest portions at both ends of a whole piece Blood Nests. They require longer soaking time. Blood Nest corners are normally broken into pieces before soaking so as they can expand easier. They will expand more compared to whole piece Blood Nests.